Drangsong No. 196


1. Text number Drangsong 196
2. Text title (where present) in Tibetan


3. Text title (where present) in Wylie transliteration Yab sras gsum gyis [gyi] gsol ’debs bsam pa lhun grub byin rlabs [rlobs] char ’bebs bzhugs so//


4. A brief summary of the item’s contents General prayers for the masters
5. Number of folios 10
6. Scribe’s name
7. Translation of title The prayer of the three great masters, [entitled] “The Rain of Blessings,” which spontaneously fulfills all aspirations
8. Transcription of colophon ces yab sras gsum gyis zhal gdam ’di/ thog mar gsung [gsungs] nas/ dad ldan mi ’grug[?] par gang zag mang pos mang du rgyud la kyang/ la la’i [la las] ni nor ngos ‘dzin nas phugs sur bas [sbas]/ la lā’i [la las]mi khams [khom] le le’i [la las] g.yeng/ le le’i [la las] mi sdong[?]/ la la’i [ las] skal par [ba] mi ldan/ yab sras gsum gyis mdzad pa’i ’phyis [’phrin las] rgya mtsho la/ chu thig [thigs] tsam cig gis go pa yin/ dus ngan snyigs ma’i sems can rnams/ ma yengs nga la gsol ba snying nas thob [thobs]/ nga ni mi slu [bslu] thar ba’i lam sna ’dren/ snyigs dus byin rlabs gu [dgu] ’gyur che/ de gsung thong [mthong] thos nyan bshad dad gus yod/ de phyir lha sems rnam par rabs rgul [’gul] nas/ bdag dang snyigs ma’i sems can la/ sdug bsngal bral zhing bde chen thob phyir du/ yab sras zhal gdam gsol ’debs grigs [bsgrigs] pa ’di/ nyes ’gal chis [mchis] bu [pa] yab sras gsum la bshad/ dge ba’i ’gro kun rig ‘dzin bde chen myur thob shog/ phya btsun drung mu wer bzhi yis/ me drug zal ba lnga ba’i tshes gcig la/ bdan [gdan] sa rin chen dar ding [sdings] bde chen pho brang nas/ ’dzam gling gtsug rgyan gshen ston nyi rgyal gyis/ mthong mchog skye [skyes] rabs lha khang du sgrigs [bsgrigs]/ ma ’gyur mkha’ mnyam ’gro drug thugs rje zungs/ spros bral bde chen bon sku thob par shog/ dge’o/ bkra shis/
9. Translation of colophon Since it was taught for the first time, this teaching from the Triad of the Father and Two Sons has been transmitted by many people to many others. However, some have regarded it as a treasure, and have then hidden in secret; also because some were  not free, some were distracted, some failed to persist[?], and some lacked the karmic qualification.  This must be understood as just a drop of water from their ocean-like virtuous deeds.  Living beings of the age of the degenerate age, please actively pray for me, so that I might guide you to enlightenment without deception; my blessing will be ninefold in this degenerate age. […]

For me and all the living beings to depart from suffering and to attain great bliss, I have composed this prayer to the father and his sons. If there any faults, I  apologise to the Triad of the Father and Two Sons. May all virtuous living beings realise great bliss. Completed by Phywa bstun drung mu wer zhi, on the first day of the fifth month in great Rin chen dar sdings monastery, in the temple of the the crown ornament of the world, gShen Nyi ma rgyal mtshan, which is called mThong mchog lha khang. May [he?] hold in his compassion the living beings of the six realms of samsāra, as boundless as the sky, who have at one time or another been our mother; may they attain the body of the ultimate nature of phenomena in the state of unconditioned great bliss. Good fortune, blessing.


10. General remarks Written by Phywa btsun drung mu wer zhi (17th century) , also called Phywa bla gYung drung rgyal mtshan, who came from a place called Brag steng, which was one of the famous kingdom of eighteen kingdom in rGyal rong. The author served the 11th abbot of Menri monastery in Central Tibet, and this text was completed by him in Darding monastery, near Shigatse, which was founded by gShen nyi ma rgyal mtshan, in 1360.
11. Remarks on script ’bru tsha, tshugs ring
12. Format Loose leaves
13. Size 8.2 × 29 cm
14. Layout
15. Illustrations and decorations
16. Paper type Woven, 2 layers
17. Paper thickness 0.15–0.22 mm
18. Nos of folio sampled f. 1
19. Fibre analysis
20. AMS 14C dating
21. XRF analysis
22. RTI
23. GCMS


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