Drangsong No. 324


1. Text number Drangsong 324
2. Text title (where present) in Tibetan
3. Text title (where present) in Wylie transliteration
4. A brief summary of the item’s contents A ritual to reverse Chinese and Mongol armies
5. Number of folios 9 (from 2 to 10)
6. Scribe’s name
7. Translation of title
8. Transcription of colophon ces bro brdung ngo/ ces khams steng gis gter ma’o// sprul sku skyu rī gter ma’o// ma yams nag mo’i nad bzlog tshar ro// pho mdo mom dos gnyis yin no// ’di bcas pa’i yon tan ni rgya hor dmag sna dang mi mthun pa’i nad yams drag po bzlog nus so// ’di rab tshar nyi shu rtsa gcig/ ’bring bcu gsum tha ma gsum la/ yi dam dang mthun pa par bya’o// bkra shis zhal dro/
9. Translation of colophon Vajra dance. This is a treasure text that was revealed by sprul sku sKyu ra (12th century), in Khams steng. The ritual of the black queen for repelling disease is completed. There are mdos rituals for men and female.  The virtue of composing (or performing the ritual of) this [text] enables one to reverse the armies from China and Mongolia, as well as epidemics. The best is to perform it twenty-one times, the medium is to perform it thirteen times, and at the least one should perform it three times; the chanting should conform to the meditational deity. May there be good fortune and luck. [V001_IMG_0863B]
10. General remarks The first page, with the title, is missing.
11. Remarks on script dpe tshugs, large and small
12. Format Loose leaves
13. Size 7.2 × 36.9 cm
14. Layout
15. Illustrations and decorations
16. Paper type Woven, 2 layers
17. Paper thickness 0.21–0.23 mm
18. Nos of folio sampled f. 10
19. Fibre analysis
20. AMS 14C dating
21. XRF analysis
22. RTI
23. GCMS


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Drangsong transliteration



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