Drangsong No. 330


1. Text number Drangsong 330
2. Text title (where present) in Tibetan


3. Text title (where present) in Wylie transliteration dPal rabs zhes bya ba bzhugs/
4. A brief summary of the item’s contents Ritual text for the acquisition of the propensity fortune or glory (dpal)
5. Number of folios 6
6. Scribe’s name
7. Translation of title Contained here is the [text] entitled “Origin account of Glory”.
8. Transcription of colophon dPal rabs ’di ni ngo mtsha che/ skye bo pho mo bzha’ gang glong ba’i dpal rdzogs so// dge’o/ phywa chen yab lha bdal drug gi bkra shis rdzogs so// gzhan yang bkra shis ci rigs brjod/ bkra shis/ gzhung dpal rabs bcas ‘di gnyis ‘bras spungs bla brang nas bris pa’o// bkra shis so//
9. Translation of colophon This [text entitled] “Origin account of Glory” is very wonderful. The [text entitled] the Glory of the taking of the bzha’ gang of men and women is finished. Virtue. The Auspicious prayer of the great Phywa divinity Yab lha bdal drug is finished. One may at this point recited any other prayer of auspiciousness. The auspicious prayer and the main text, the “Origin account of Glory,” were both written in Drepung clerical estate (labrang, bla brang). Blessings.
10. General remarks The colophon states that the text was ‘completed in ’Bras spung bla brang’; however, it is not certain whether this refers to ’Bras spungs monastery in Lhasa, or – more probably – a local monastic estate (bla brang) of this name.
11. Remarks on script dpe tshugs
12. Format Loose leaves
13. Size 7 × 35.9 cm
14. Layout
15. Illustrations and decorations
16. Paper type Woven, 2 layer
17. Paper thickness 0.16–0.29 mm
18. Nos of folio sampled f. 4
19. Fibre analysis
20. AMS 14C dating
21. XRF analysis
22. RTI
23. GCMS


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Drangsong transliteration



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