Drangsong No. 283


1. Text number Drangsong 283
2. Text title (where present) in Tibetan
3. Text title (where present) in Wylie transliteration  
4. A brief summary of the item’s contents Invitations to numerous protective deities, offerings to them, and prayers for the protection of the teachings.
5. Number of folios. 2
6. Scribe’s name None
7. Translation of title
8. Transcription of colophon ces brjod gshegs su gsol bar bsam/ rjes su mi dmigs ngang la bzhag/ srungs bzlog rtags dang ldan pa ni/ bdag nyid tshigs su chud pa dang/ dgra bgegs mtha’ dmag bsad las byed/ mchod rten dkar nag hȯ khung du/ linga bcas rnams gzhung bzhin bya/ rtags dang ldan la sgrub byas pa/ mtha’ ni mnan bsregs ’phang pa yin/ las dang sbyar pa bar chod bsel/ ces bka’ bstsal sto/ de nas phung bon mgo dmar la sogs ’khor rnams kyi/ stan pa stag la me ’bar gyi gsung pa la yid rang ste/ mngon par stod do/ bdag dra phung bon mgo dmar gyis/ pyi rabs don du smon lam bstab/ bstan pa ’phel grib byung dus su/ khod spung dran pa bdag gis kyang/ rma gnyan poam ra’i thugs kar btad/ gser gyi nyi ma bshar par bshog/ dung gi zla ba tshes par bshog/ rgya rgya rgya/ spru sku kyu rua’i gter ma’o/ dge zhing bkra shis par bshog/ manghalaṃ/ shubhaṃ/
9. Translation of colophon After chanting in this manner, the visualization of the (protective deity) manifests, and one enters a state of unhindered meditation. “As a symbol with protective and reflective functions, once within the context, one can engage in the mission of eliminating enemies and demonic obstacles. Beneath the black and white stupa, in accordance with the scriptures, suppress the effigy of the demon or enemy. As long as one follows this procedure, signs will appear, eventually leading to the mission of suppression, incineration, and casting away [the effigy of the demon or enemy], ensuring the removal of all obstacles.” In this way, followers such as Phung bon mgo dmar express great joy and praise for the techer, sTag la me ’bar. Like myself, Phung bon mgo dmar, I make vows for the benefit of future generations. Until the period of prosperity and decline of the doctrine, I, Khod spung Dran pa, hid [these texts] on the sacred mountain of rMa gnyan sbom ra. May the golden sun rise, and may the conch-like moon shine. Secret, secret, secret! This is the treasure of Sprul sku Kyu ra. May all be virtuous, and may all be auspicious. May all be auspicious and as one would desire.


10. General remarks The texts belongs to the sādhanā cycle of the Bon meditation deity sTag la me ’bar.
11. Remarks on script ’bru tsha, small dpe tshugs
12. Format Loose leaves
13. Size 8.5 × 33.5 cm
14. Layout
15. Illustrations and decorations
16. Paper type
17. Paper thickness 0.11–0.16 mm
18. Nos of folio sampled
19. Fibre analysis
20. AMS 14C dating
21. XRF analysis
22. RTI
23. GCMS


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