Drangsong No. 289


1. Text number Drangsong 289
2. Text title (where present) in Tibetan No title
3. Text title (where present) in Wylie transliteration
4. A brief summary of the item’s contents The mantra recitation for visualizing the main deity.
5. Number of folios 1
6. Scribe’s name
7. Translation of title
8. Transcription of colophon sgrib sbyang ’di’i dam tshig dang khrims nyams pa dang/ dpag med bsam pa’i sdig sgrib ’byang bar ’gyur ro/ ’di ni rig ’dzin rnams kyi snying po/ ’gro ba’i don du skyang ’phags chen po’i gsungs/ nang rtsa stong la tshar 1 gsung na/ khams chen stahr 1 dang mnyam mo/ nyi shu rtsa 1 gsungs na/ khas chen brgya tshar gcig dang mnyam mo/ phyi ma rig ’dzin gral la skye ba the tshom med/// gzhan yang ’di’i phan yon che ba med/ yon mchod gnyis la thugs rjes skyob du gsol/ dge’o/ bkra shis par ’gyur cig/
9. Translation of colophon May this merit purify the incalculable sins of the violation of oaths and of moral conduct. The mantra of the numerous knowledge holders, compiled by sKyang ’phags, is intended for the benefit of all sentient beings. If recited once in the morning, its merit is equal to reciting the Khams chen (the Bon version of the Prajñāpāramitā) once; if recited twenty-one times, its merit is equivalent to reciting the Khams chen one hundred times. Without a doubt, in the future, one can attain rebirth among the numerous knowledge holders. The benefits of the present are not great, but please bestow blessings and protection with compassion upon the patron and priest. Virtue. May all be auspicious.
10. General remarks The Great master sKyang ’phags (sKyang ’phags chen mo, or sKyang ’phags Mu la drung mu), was a renowned treasure revealer of the 12th century, from eastern Tibet. He is recognized as the revealer of the Borderland Hidden Treasures, one of the five traditions of Bon treasures.
11. Remarks on script dpe tshugs, large and small
12. Format Loose leaves
13. Size 8.5 × 29 cm
14. Layout
15. Illustrations and decorations
16. Paper type
17. Paper thickness 0.11–0.16 mm
18. Nos of folio sampled
19. Fibre analysis
20. AMS 14C dating
21. XRF analysis
22. RTI
23. GCMS


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