Drangsong No. 202


1. Text number Drangsong 202
2. Text title (where present) in Tibetan


3. Text title (where present) in Wylie transliteration Gyer spungs mtshan brgyad kyi gsol ’debs bzhugs so/
4. A brief summary of the item’s contents Praying to the great Master Dran pa nam mkha’ and praise to the virtues of his eight aspects, seeking to attain accomplishments.
5. Number of folios 3
6. Scribe’s name
7. Translation of title Prayer of the eight titles of Gyer spungs [Dran pa nam mkha’]
8. Transcription of colophon bces[ces] gsol pa[ba] brtab[btab] pas dpon gsas rig ’dzin gyis thugs la ’od zer ’phros nas/ bdag rgyud byin gyis rlabs par bsam/ gyer spungs mtshan brgyd kyis gsol ’debs ’di ni/ stang chen dmu tsha gyer med kyis mdzad pa’o/ bkra shis/ byin pa’i bdag po drangs[drang] srongs[srong] gis/ rgyu mi nor la ’dzin pa med zhin[bzhin] brdangs/ khyod rang gi grib pa byongs pa dang/ nga rang gis lag pa sbyang pa dang/ bkra shis/ dge’o/ yi ge lag pa ’di la drang srong mkhyen zhu/ mgon mchod gyis
9. Translation of colophon In this manner, offer prayers. Visualize the radiance emanating from the master’s heart and merging into myself, bestowing blessings. The Prayer for the eight titles of Gyer spungs was composed by sTang chen dmu tsa gyer med. May there be auspiciousness! For the benefactor or owner, Drang srong, may you remain free from attachment to wealth, people and cattle. In order to purify your negative karma, I extend my hand… Auspicious. Well done! This writing… may Drang srong be aware, offer supplications…
10. General remarks  

Region The name of the holy mountains The name of the master
1 sTag gzig gYung drung sprul ba’i gnas
2 U rgyan Me tog spungs mdzes ri bo gYung drung mi ’gyur rgyal po
3 rGya gar gYu lo bkod pa’i ri bo gYung drung dpa’ bo
4 Za hor bDud ’joms dbal gyi ri bo ’Chi med rdo rje
5 Thod dkar rTa mchog ’dzin gyi ri bo bDud ’dul dpa’ bo
6 rGya nag sPra phud rtse lnga gYung drung ’od can
7 Zhang zhung Bya ri gtsug ldan Gyer chen dpa’ bo
8 Bod yul ru bzhi Gang bzang ri bo Slob dpon dran pa
11. Remarks on script ’bru tsha, small dpe tshugs, tshugs ring
12. Format Loose leaves
13. Size 8 × 26.5 cm
14. Layout
15. Illustrations and decorations
16. Paper type Woven, 2 layers
17. Paper thickness 0.13–0.21 mm
18. Nos of folio sampled f. 1
19. Fibre analysis
20. AMS 14C dating
21. XRF analysis Main elements: Ca, Fe, K, S

Trace elements: Ti, Zn, Si

22. RTI
23. GCMS


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