Drangsong No. 298


1. Text number Drangsong 298
2. Text title (where present) in Tibetan

༄༅།། གཏོར་མའི་བཅ[བཅའ]ཐབས་ལོགས[ལགས]་སོ།།

3. Text title (where present) in Wylie transliteration gTor ma’i bca(bca’) thabs logs(lags) so/
4. A brief summary of the item’s contents A guidebook for the specific steps for making offering tormas and the creation and arrangement of each, with their respective meanings.
5. Number of folios 6
6. Scribe’s name
7. Translation of title Method for preparing tormas
8. Transcription of colophon lo dang byi ba lo chas rang/ ka wa byab spi/ shim o glang lo byam rdzal phyin spin ngal rchal pi byam mi/ zhon pa ya shog sung jang/ ’byag yal byas ra phyung tu ma la snang/ ’byal phyod la dab pa’i lha chos ka pa yad tag yo sung bya/ go pa sam glang phyog la o lo ’grol nas/ ma nyung g.yung grung bon kyi sum o ’byal ni ma nyung / ngal chos cig snang ga byam thug gcig zig 1/snang yang lha tshos snang byung ’jal yang / yi dam ’jal byung/ dbal bon stag lha man pa kyi thugs can zig cig/



gon pa sa kang khram/ spang ka g.yul dga slang pa/ sa kyis kri …du mo ’gro ya/ shing glang lo la/ g.yung drung ’grung ’in tsha nas/ zhab ’bad g.yag pa spas la/ ’bru ’bo nyi shut sha lnga po/ sang lo zlas pa chu spri nang la/ ’bul zhu kyed zhi la lnga jas nas/ ’go sum ’e bya nas/ tshar ’bo rgya yo gos/ yi grig sras ug gyen ste/ phye pa byam sta ’dzin yin/ g.y ’g g.yo zer nit tshar/  phya seng la nas zhu kya yi/ yang sras ul gya nas/ li tshar nyim rgyas la/ kram nyi kya pang/ lug ba dzar lnga chu yo go spas/ bal grags tu yo ge/ yi grig pad ma phrin las yi spas/ nyim rgyal



……’dzin gyi zhu rgyu/ gran bsos la/ me gtog…bon gang ’byor/ sman klu bdud rdo rje/ gyi lung ka rag/ srid pa tse ring gtor dgu yid pe cha tshang ma g.yar po zhu/


9. Translation of colophon Year of the Rat, ka wa byab (blab) spi/ Wood Ox year byam rdzal phyin spin ngal rchal pi byam mi/


May seize me with compassion, … see the main meditation deity. May dbal bon sTag la me ‘bar seize me with compassion!


…Wood Ox year, … 25 ‘bo of barley…


…it is necessary to mention, for the purpose of reminding (?), me gtogs(?) borrowed all the Bon (ritual texts?) including the texts of Srid pa tshe ring gto dgu, from sMan klu bdud rdo rje, Gyi lung ka rag.


10. General remarks This colophon specific information about a certain ritual, such as the priest’s personal practice, the circumstances of the ritual patrons, and the source of the ritual text. However, the text is influenced by the local dialect, making it difficult to understand. Gyi lung is unlikely to signify the village with a similar name, Gelung/Geling, which is usually spelt dGer lung; Ka rag is the name of a now-abandoned settlement to the southwest of Monthang.
11. Remarks on script dpe tshugs, ’khyug ma tshugs
12. Format Deb ther sewn at the top, one gathering
13. Size 8.2 × 21.2 cm
14. Layout Two lines of text on the front cover of this deb ther, framed with the lines sketched with the weathered red ink. Then from 5 to 7 text lines on the following pages, written between side margins.
15. Illustrations and decorations
16. Paper type Woven, 1 layer, soft and absorbent
17. Paper thickness 0.10–0.11 mm
18. Nos of folio sampled
19. Fibre analysis
20. AMS 14C dating
21. XRF analysis
22. RTI
23. GCMS


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