Mardzong AF



Part of a document that appears to be the opening
of a draft of a letter from a senior figure—possibly
the king of Mustang—to his lay and monastic subjects


Rang re la stogs (< gtogs) pa’i skya mser (< ser)drag bzhan ( zhan)
snams (rnaṃs); the title is excerpted from the opening line, the inscriptio,
that names the addressees: rang re la rtogs (< gtogs) pa’i kya (< skya)
ser grag (< drag) gzhan (< zhan) snaṃs (< rnams) la spring pa /  “to
all laity and clerics, both mighty and humble, who belong to us”


Part of what was, typically of documents, probably
a single sheet, showing evidence of having been
folded in successive stages from bottom to top

Available folios:

Page recto