Drangsong No. 005


1. Text number

Drangsong 005

2. Text title (where present) in Tibetan


3. Text title (where present) in Wylie transliteration

Brag btsan a bswe’i mo yig/

4. A brief summary of the item’s contents

Divination text associated with the Bonpo divinity A bse mdung dmar

5. Number of folios


6. Scribe’s name


7. Translation of title

Divination text of A bse, the btsan divinity of the cliffs

8. Transcription of colophon

De ltar brag btsan mgyogs mo ‘di/ grwa slob ‘ga’ yis bskul ba’i ngor/ smon rgyal dmu tsa nam mkha’ bas/ zhang zhung sgo mo bar ba’i yul/ dwangs ri’i mdun du sor rtser bskrun/ mos pa’i thugs la bcag par ‘tshal/ mi mos ris su bor bar gyis/ nyes mchis bstan srung nyid la mthol/ bra shis dge legs ‘phel gyur cig/

9. Translation of colophon

Following encouragement by his disciples, sMon rgyal dMu tsa nam mkha’ ba wrote this quick divination of the Cliff-btsan A bse with his fingertip in front of Lake Dangra, in the land of the middle part of the entrance of Zhang zhung. May it delight the hearts of those who like it, and may those who do not like it leave it to one side. For any mistakes there may be, I beg forgiveness of the protectors of the doctrine. May all be auspicious.

10. General remarks

The author is identified as sMon rgyal dMu tsa nam mkha’, who should be from the sMon rgyal lineage in Khams, eastern Tibet. Lake Dangra, where he composed it, is located in Nyima country, Nagchu Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region.

11. Remarks on script

dpe tshugs throughout, smaller size for instructions.

12. Format

Deb ther sewn at the top

13. Size

7.2 × 17

14. Layout

Title centrally composed in the full frame sketched with red double-lines; then five text lines in the full frame on the following two pages, and the six lines composed between side margins sketched with red ink from the 2nd verso page on.

15. Illustrations and decorations


16. Paper type

Woven, 1 layer

17. Paper thickness


18. Nos of folio sampled

f. 1

19. Fibre analysis

Daphne sp.

20.  AMS 14C dating

21. XRF analysis

Main elements (paper): Ca, Fe, S, K, Si, Cl

Trace elements (paper): P, Ti, Mn

 Main elements (textile): Fe, Ca, K, S

Trace elements (textile): Cl, Si

22. RTI

 A)    Rendering  mode:  Default                       B)    Rendering mode: Diffuse Gain

 A)    Rendering  mode:  Default                             B)    Rendering mode: Diffuse Gain

23. GCMS



Digital copy


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